Dr. Milind Kulkarni - HIV Consultant in Pune, HIV Test And Counselling In Pune
About Dr. Milind Kulkarni

MBBS , TDD (Diploma in Chest & Tuberculosis Diseases)
Dr. Milind Kulkarni - HIV Consultant in Pune, HIV Test And Counselling In Pune
Current Vocation:
- Consulting Physician
- Chest /TB Specialist
- HIV/AIDS Medicine Specialist
- As a Panel Consultant in PUNE 1) Sahyadri Speciality Hospital Nagar Road, 2) Columbia-Asia Hospital, Kharadi 3) Ruby Hall Clinic
Academic Achievements :
- I have completed my undergraduate studies (MBBS) from MIMSR Medical College, Latur, Maharashtra in May 2002
- Completed Diploma in Tuberculosis Diseases & Chest Medicine from College of Physicians &Surgeons, University of Mumbai, India in April 2007
- Completed Certificate Course in HIV Medicine at Ruby Hall Clinic, Pune from College of Physicians &Surgeons, University of Mumbai, India in October 2008.

Professional Experience
- Senior Clinician for NeuroAIDS Project (Indo-US collaboration) at National AIDS Research Institute (NARI), Pune, India.2008--2013
- As a senior medical officer for the (NACO), India sponsored Free ART roll-out programme at Model Colony, Pune, India. 2008--2013
- As a chief consultant for Youth Peer Education Programme (YPEP), a Free ART roll-out programme, sponsored by Indian Red Cross Society, at Rasta Peth, Pune, India 2007--2013
Honors :
- Secured First position in Maharashtra with Two Gold Medals in CPS- TDD Examination 2007
- Awarded with a Comprehensive Scholarship from Europian AIDS Clinical Society actively participated in “8th Advanced HIV Course” (EACS) at Montpellier (France) in September 2010
- Recently awarded with a Partial Scholarship to attend 7th IAS Conference on HIV Pathogenesis,Treatment and Prevention (IAS 2013),30 June - 03 July 2013 in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
- Awarded with a Comprehensive Scholarship from Europian AIDS Clinical Society and actively participated in 3rd European Research Course (ECReCo) at Aix-en-Provence (France) in September 2013
- Successfully completed the online HIV Management course conducted by Johns Hopkins University (JHU) Baltimore, USA and HIV Medicine Association of India ( HIVMAI ) from Feb –Dec 2014
Other Experience and Professional Memberships:
- I have completed Diploma in Tuberculosis Diseases & Chest Medicine which is affiliated to College of Physicians &Surgeons, University of Mumbai, At Ruby Hall Clinic under guidance of Dr Amir Khoja from Oct 2005 to Apr 2007
- This was a 2 yrs residential course where I learned to manage various respiratory cases of TB, COPD, Asthma, Allergy, ILD, along with emergencies in Chest medicine
- Interventional Pulmonology procedures like
- Thoracocentesis,
- Intercostal drainage , pleurodesis,
- Bronchoscopy----diagnostic and therapeutic
- Thoracoscopy (VATS)--- diagnostic and therapeutic
- Bronchial Artery Embolisations
- Attended “Basic Course in HIV Medicine” conducted by Institute of Infectious Diseases at Pune, Maharashtra, India in affiliation with Pune Municipal Corporation in 2007
- Participated in “Advanced course in HIV Medicine” conducted by Institute of Infectious Diseases,Pune,India in collaboration with HIV-TRI and Royal Free Hospital , London in March 2008
- Actively participated in intensive 12 days Training on HIV/AIDS Medicine for ART Medical Officers ( Free ART roll out programme ) by NACO/NARI Pune in June 2008
- Participated in three Quarterly Updates on Infectious Diseases conducted by Dr. Sanjay Pujari (IID Pune) at Poona Hospital & Research Center, Pune
- Participated in the National Consultation meeting titled “Galvanizing Evidence for HIV Management” sponsored by NARI-NIH-WHO in Jan 2011
- Actively participated in 1st & 2nd Conference organized by HIV Medicine Association of India ( HIVMAI ) at Pune, in March 2011 and at Hyderabad, in September 2012
- Taking active part in monthly video conferencing- case discussions between John Hopkins University – NARI and BJMC CTU, Pune
- Actively participated in ICMR Wokshop on Statistcal Concepts for Clinical Research organized by NARI (ICMR) Pune , in December 2012
- Actively participated in 3rd Biennial Conference organized by HIV Medicine Association of India ( HIVMAI ) at Delhi, in Jan 2014 To get appropriate HIV Test And Counselling In Pune meet Dr. Milind Kulkarni, he is the HIV Consultant in Pune.
Professional Memberships:
♦ HIV Medicine Association of India.Publications/ Abstracts:
- Presented a research paper in the Annual Conference of Research Society BJMC Pune Title-- Abdominal Sonography findings in HIV infected patients attending an outpatient clinic in Pune Authors : Dhande SM, Joshi AA, Ghate MV, Kulkarni MM, Zirpe SS, Narkhede HB and Tripathy SP
- Abstract (A-581-0123-01498) accepted for 7th IAS Conference on HIV Pathogenesis, Treatment and Prevention (IAS 2013),30 June - 03 July 2013 in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia— Title-- Tenofovir nephrotoxicity in resource limited setting of Western India: Higher rate of renal function decline, acute kidney injury and progression to chronic kidney disease compared to Western data. Authors : Ameet Dravid, Milind Kulkarni ,Sachin Dhande, Amit Borkar
- Abstact (A-641-0108-08321) submitted for AIDS 2014, 20th July—25th July 2014 in Melbourne ,Australia Title--- Prevalaence of low bone mineral density (BMD) amongst HIV infected patients taking long term antiretroviral therapy (ART)in western India: a resource limited setting perspective Authors : Ameet Dravid, Milind Kulkarni ,Sachin Dhande, Amit Borkar